Reading and Cleaning Data
Getting your data in, and ready to work with.
Reading data into RStudio
Before we can do any data manipulation or management, we need to get some data into R in the first place!
The tidyverse package used to read data into R is, maybe unsurprisingly, called readr. It contains several different functions used to read in different types of tabular data. You can read about these different functions in the tidyr cheatsheet here (RStudio puts out many of these helpful cheatsheets as quick references for useful packages - I have a bunch printed out and stuck to the wall in my office, they're great!).
Today, we are going to use the read_csv()
function to read in a dataset (in csv format) containing information about passengers aboard the titanic. We can do this using the following code:
This line of code downloads a comma separated value (CSV) file containing our dataset from the web link, and loads it into a variable named titanic in our RStudio environment. Pretty neat huh?
Note that with this command you can also import files from your computer by specifying a filename instead of the url we used.
Exploring our dataset
Now that we have our dataset ready to roll, let's take a look at it! There are a couple of different ways we can go about this.
One quick and easy way to check out a dataset is by using the glimpse()
gives us a quick overview of what our dataset contains, including the number of observations (rows) in our dataset, the number of variables (columns) in our dataset, and the first few entries in each of those variables. To better understand the data, here are what each of these variables represent:
PassengerId: Just an indexing number unique for each passenger.
Survived: Whether or not the passenger survived. 0 = No, 1 = Yes. These are commonly used for binary outcomes, and if coerced into a logical would be
, respectively.Pclass: Ticket class: 1 = 1st Class, 2 = 2nd Class, 3 = 3rd Class.
Name: A character string containing the name of each passenger.
Sex: Character strings for passenger sex (
"male"/ "female"
) note that everything is in lower case, as R is case-sensitive.Age: Age in years.
SibSp: The number of siblings/spouses aboard the titanic with the passenger
Parch: The number of parents/children aboard the titanic with the passenger
Ticket: Another character string containing the ticket ID of the passenger.
Fare: The price paid for tickets in pounds Sterling (multiply by 82 for a roughly equivalent price in 2020 AUD. Keep in mind that unskilled workers made around 1 pound a week, these were expensive tickets!)
Cabin: The cabin number of the passengers (character).
Embarked: Where passengers boarded the titanic. C = Cherbourg, Q = Queenstown, S = Southampton).
Another useful command for having a quick look at a dataset is the summary()
function, which can provide some quick summary statistics for our variables.
Lastly, if we want to explore the whole dataset, we can access RStudio's inbuilt data viewer by clicking the table icon next to our dataset in the environment panel or by using the View()
Cleaning our dataset
Now that we have our data in our RStudio environment, the next thing we need to do is clean it! Cleaning data refers to the process of removing errors or missing values from the dataset, and is a crucial step in data analysis - how can we trust the results of an analysis if the data going into it isn't up to scratch?
Looking at the glimpse()
from before, we can see quite a few missing values in our dataset. In R, these missing values are represented by an NA
tag. Removing or resolving these NA's is an important part of cleaning our data, as many functions in R won't know what to do when they encounter such values.
Let's have a look at which variables contain these missing values. To do this, we're going to combine 2 functions:
returns a logicalTRUE/FALSE
value whenever it finds a missing value.colSums()
sums up all the values in each column of our dataframe.
Let's go ahead and see where those NAs are located.
Here we can see we have 177 missing values in our Age
column, 2 missing values in our Embarked
column, and a whopping 687 missing values in our Cabin
number column. Given that our dataset contains 891 observations in total, this is a huge fraction!
The most straightforward way to deal with missing values is to delete the observations (rows) that contain them from our dataset, but doing so in this case would leave us very little data to work with. Instead, let's first remove the entire Cabin
variable from our dataset given that we won't be using this variable for our analysis.
In order to remove the column we are going to use a function from the tidyverse (dplyr): select()
We now remove the entries with missing values using the na.omit()
function. That might look a little like this:
Of course, depending on your specific data your cleaning needs may look a little different to this, but for now, this dataset is ready to go!
Now that we've imported and cleaned our data, here is a challenge to test what you've learned.
Challenge 1
Challenge 2
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